


Susan Lindauer, author of "Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq"

Airs at: Thu, 08/04/2011 at 12:00am
Presswatch is on break this week. Instead Chris Andreae interviews Susan Lindauer, a former Congressional staffer who served as a U.S. Intelligence Asset covering Libya and Iraq at the United Nations, as a back channel on matters of anti-terrorism from 1993 to 2002. In the ... Read more

Talk Radio on 06/24/11

Airs at: Fri, 06/24/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
Host Per Fagereng interviews Professor Zaher Wahab and journalist Gareth Porter about Afghanistan, Obama's announcement about troops there, and the future of the country. Zaher Wahab is Professor of Education at Lewis and Clark College and a native of Afghanistan. Dr. Waha... Read more

Bob Chenowith, former prisoner of war in Hanoi, pt 2: Experiences in prison

Airs at: Fri, 05/20/2011 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Host Marvin Simmons of Northwest Vets for Peace interviews Bob Chenoweth who was a prisoner of war in Hanoi for five years and a member of the Peace Committee while in prison. Members of the Peace Committee were deeply affected by their combat experiences and as a result re... Read more

How does American-style permanent-war resemble the warfare of European monarchs centuries ago?

Airs at: Thu, 05/19/2011 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Host Per Fagereng speaks with historian and retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William J. Astore about his latest TomDispatch post in which he takes up permanent-war, American-style, and its eerie similarity to “enlightened” wars fought by European monarchs centuries ago.... Read more

Talk Radio on 01/14/11

Airs at: Fri, 01/14/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
Host Per Fagereng speaks with William Hartung, Director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation. They'll discuss William Hartung's new book, Prophets of War, an exposé of America’s largest military contractor, Lockheed Martin. When President Dwigh... Read more

Returning vets at risk for suicide--a challenge to mental health care in the armed forces

Airs at: Fri, 12/17/2010 at 11:00am - 11:30pm
Hosts Northwest Vets for Peace discuss suicide among veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. They also feature an interview from the Talk Nation Radio show with 1st Infantryman Jeff Hanks who went AWOL to avoid redeployment to Afghanistan. Hanks had a panic attack at ... Read more

Veteran's Voice on 11/19/10

Airs at: Fri, 11/19/2010 at 12:00am
Hosts Marvin Simmons, Bill Bires and John Timothy of Northwest Vets for Peace speak with Belle Bennett Landau, Executive Director of the Returning Veterans Project. Returning Veterans Project is a nonprofit organization comprised of politically unaffiliated and independent... Read more

Veteran's Voice with guest S. Brian Willson

Airs at: Fri, 10/15/2010 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Northwest Vets for Peace Marvin Simmons, Bill Bires and John Timothy speak with anti-war activists S. Brian Willson. Willson served, from 1966 to 1970, in the USAF, including several months as a combat security officer in Vietnam. Later he became a member of Vietnam Vetera... Read more

Fight the Empire on 09/30/10, Host Per Fagereng interviews Gareth Porter

Airs at: Thu, 09/30/2010 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Host Per Fagereng interviews Gareth Porter, historian, investigative journalist and policy analyst on U.S. foreign and military policy. Porter just wrote a piece titled "UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis 'Executed' U.S. Citizen Furkan Dogan," which states: "The report o... Read more

Talk Radio on 9/08/10

Airs at: Wed, 09/08/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
 Hosted by Lisa Loving President Obama says he’s bringing the troops home from Iraq – but do you think the war is really over?  War correspondent Aaron Glantz, host Lisa Loving and listeners discuss his new book "The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle Against America's Ve... Read more