Financial & Public Reports



Documents and information required by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC):

Diversity Statement

KBOO recognizes that individual, systemic, and institutional oppressions have deprived many groups and individuals of equal employment opportunity. Further, KBOO’s mission and charter ensure that we will focus on those who are most underserved in our community. It is goal of KBOO to have demographic representation with regards to membership on the Board of Directors, Community Advisory Board, volunteers, and paid staff reflect, and preferably exceed, the percentage of targeted groups in our community. Read KBOO's full diversity statement here.

We provide the meeting minutes and stations surveys in support transparency as we work to build a more Beloved Community.

2024: Station Activity Survey (SAS) | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2023: Station Activity Survey (SAS) | EEO | CAB minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2022: SAS | EEO | Community Advisor Board (CAB) Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2021: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2020: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2019: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2018: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2017: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

2016: SAS | EEO | CAB Meeting Minutes | Board Meeting Minutes

Open Meetings

Meetings are held at KBOO (unless otherwise noted) and are open to all - call ahead (503-231-8032) to check times.

  • Events Committee - This committee coordinates events and outreach.  For more info, contact Ani Haines
  • Engineering Workgroup - First Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. Contact Tom Hood
  • People of Color Caucus - Call Celeste Carey at KBOO (503)231-8032
  • Nominating Committee  - The nominating committee meets in connection with the annual meeting and the KBOO election process and meets infrequently.  Please contact KBOO if you wish to attend a meeting.
- See more at:

Meetings are held at KBOO (unless otherwise noted) and are open to all - call ahead (503-231-8032) to check times.

  • Events Committee - This committee coordinates events and outreach.  For more info, contact Ani Haines
  • Engineering Workgroup - First Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. Contact Tom Hood
  • People of Color Caucus - Call Celeste Carey at KBOO (503)231-8032
  • Nominating Committee  - The nominating committee meets in connection with the annual meeting and the KBOO election process and meets infrequently.  Please contact KBOO if you wish to attend a meeting.
- See more at:

Meetings are held at KBOO (unless otherwise noted) and are open to all - call ahead (503-231-8032) to check times.

  • Events Committee - This committee coordinates events and outreach.  For more info, contact Ani Haines
  • Engineering Workgroup - First Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. Contact Tom Hood
  • People of Color Caucus - Call Celeste Carey at KBOO (503)231-8032
  • Nominating Committee  - The nominating committee meets in connection with the annual meeting and the KBOO election process and meets infrequently.  Please contact KBOO if you wish to attend a meeting.
- See more at:

All KBOO Committee and Board meetings are open and held online unless otherwise noted. Schedules, meeting minutes, and links to meetings:

Ad Hoc Committees:  Public notice is given when these committees meet

  • People of Color Caucus

Financial Statements and Annual Financial Reports (AFR)

KBOO's fiscal year runs from Oct 1 thru Sept 30 and we manage our finances within the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the legal requirements governing Oregon nonprofits, and with respect to the members and community intentions in maintaining KBOO's mission.

We provide the following financial reports to the community to facilitate transparent and informed financial management. Click the links below to download our statements.

FY23: Audited Financial Statements | AFR for Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)

FY22: Audited Financial Statements  |  Annual Financial Report for CPB | 990

FY21: Audited Financial Statements  |  Annual Financial Report for CPB | 990

FY20: Audited Financial Statements  |  Annual Financial Report for CPB  | 990

FY19: Audited Financial Statements  |  Annual Financial Report for CPB  |  990

FY18: Audited Financial Statements  |  Annual Financial Report for CPB  |  990