Every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 9-9:30am.
Every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursday from 9-10am.
News you're not supposed to know
Tune in at 9AM Thursdays for an anarcho-socialist viewpoint on everything from climate to imperialism and the new Jim Crow. Press**Watch is now approaching its 30th year broadcasting on KBOO!
--By the way! If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, ripping off the title "PressWatch" and the byline "News You're Not Supposed To Know" must be like a big sloppy and totally unwelcome kiss. Get your own titles and bylines, folks, so that no one confuses your sloppy conformist crap with my sloppy anarcho-socialist crap. Keep crap separated, I say.