Gremlin Time



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Airs at: Mon, 04/21/2025 at 11:00pm - 12:00am
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The bedtime radio show for grown-ups.



Readings and Dramatic Presentations of Action & Mystery to Challenge the Intellectual. Humorous Narratives for the Serious Minded. Journeys of Discovery for those who are Lost. Sad Stories that make Deep People Happy. And Tales of Terror & Romance for the Too Comfortable.

 A full hour on the 3rd Monday of every month as part of KBOO's 11PM Monday Radio Theatre Block.

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Gremlin Time

Airs at: Mon, 05/20/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 05/21/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
Readings and Dramatic Presentations of Action & Mystery to Challenge the Intellectual. Humorous Narratives for the Serious Minded. Journeys of Discovery for those who are Lost. Sad Stories that make Deep People Happy. And Tales of Terror & Romance for the Too Comfortable. Read more

Excerpts from "The Comedians" by Kilph Nesteroff, part 2

Airs at: Mon, 05/20/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 05/21/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
We continue with more readings from the book by Kilph Nesteroff, "The Comedians; Drunks, Thieves Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy" This month we cover the rise of Las Vegas and the change that comedy went through in the late 1950's with the work of Lenny Bru... Read more

Excerpts from "The Comedians" by Kliph Nesteroff

Airs at: Mon, 04/15/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 04/16/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
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A non-fiction presentation tonight as Fortunato reads a couple of chapters from Kliph Nesteroff's extensively researched, 2015 show business narrative, "The Comedians - Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy". Read more

the Horror From The Mound by Robert E. Howard

Airs at: Mon, 03/18/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 03/19/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
Considered to be the first "weird western" short story, 'The Horror From The Mound" is about a former cowpuncher, Steve Brill, who regrets having left the cowboy life to become a farmer in West Texas. He is also curious to see if there might be spanish treasure buried in... Read more

The Black Retriever by Charles G. Finney & The Fog Horn by Ray Bradbury

Airs at: Mon, 02/18/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 02/19/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
Tonight a couple of classic weird tales. First, from the author of "The Circus of Dr Lao", Charles G. Finney, Professor Kitty reads "The Black Retriever". A quite suburb is terrorized by the mysterious appearances of a large black hound, or is it a werewolf? Next,  Ray B... Read more

20,000 Years Under the Sea by Kevin J. Anderson

Airs at: Mon, 01/21/2019 at 11:00pm - Tue, 01/22/2019 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
Tonight we present a steam punk, cross over, pastiche combining the works of Jules Verne and H.P. Lovecraft. "20,000 Years Under The Sea" by Kevin J. Anderson, finds Captain Nemo, and the crew of his now crippled submarine boat The Nautilus, seeking shelter to make repai... Read more

Katherine Dunn reads The Father Christmas Letters by J.R.R. Tolkien

Airs at: Mon, 12/17/2018 at 11:00pm - Tue, 12/18/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
Once again we present our holiday favorite The Father Christmas Letters by J.R.R. Tolkien. A collection of letters written by the author of Lord Of The Rings in response to his children's letters written to Santa Claus. Katherine Dunn reads these tales of comedy, adventu... Read more

Dean and Me by Jerry Lewis

Airs at: Mon, 11/19/2018 at 11:00pm - Tue, 11/20/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
A repeat presentation of the autobiography by Jerry Lewis about his early years when he was pardnered with Dean Martin and they became the most sensational comedy team in history. How they came together, how they structured their act and some of the amazing things that h... Read more

Pickman's Model by H.P. Lovecraft

Airs at: Mon, 10/15/2018 at 11:00pm - Tue, 10/16/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
For the Halloween season, Fortunato reads an Eerie Classic by Howard Philip Lovercraft, Pickman's Model. What is the secret behind the ghoulish and disturbing paintings of Richard Pickman, which have been scandalizing the Boston art scene of the 1920s? Read more

The Warlord Of Saturn's Moons and Colony

Airs at: Mon, 09/17/2018 at 11:00pm - Tue, 09/18/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
We begin tonight with a reairing of a short story by Eleanor Arneson, The Warlord of Saturn's Moons. Read by Professor Kitty. Also on tonight's program, more science fiction with be a classic radio drama adapted from the short story The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury. Read more