Fight the Empire



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Every first and third Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. 



Connecting history with the latest world events

We live in an empire that began 500 years ago with the European conquest of the Americas. This program looks at how the empire permeates our lives.


What are we doing in the world? What are we doing to the world?

George Kennan was an influential US diplomat during the Cold War years. It was he who devised the containment strategy against the Soviet Union (as opposed to a more aggressive rollback policy). In February 1948 Kennan presented a document to President Truman, Presidential Policy Statement #23, which includes the following:

"The US has  50 percent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 percent of its population. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which permits us to maintain this position of disparity...To do so we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming, and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives.

"We should cease to talk about vague and unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans the better."

Some have claimed that Kennan was speaking as a foreign policy "realist," and arguing against an ideological anti-Communist crusade. That may be so, but his words are clear, as Noam Chomsky has pointed out. The US intends to keep for itself an unfair share of the world's resources. The main difference between the realists and the ideologues is one of tactics in pursuing this ignoble goal.





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Robert McChesney on his new book Blowing the Roof Off the Twenty-First Century

Airs at: Thu, 12/04/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
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    Host Per Fagereng interviews award-winning author Robert W. McChesney about his new book Blowing the Roof Off the Twenty-First Century: Media, Politics, and the Struggle for Post-Capitalist Democracy.     McChesney outlines the recent trajectory of capitalism and its ong... Read more

Gideon Levy on one of the most important religious sites in the old city of Jerusalem

Airs at: Thu, 11/20/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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Gideon Levy is a controversial writer for the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. He is Per’s guest on this edition of Fight The Empire. They will discuss what Israeli Jews call the Temple Mount. This piece of land in Jerusalem has long been a focus of religious mythology. Now it’s... Read more

Fight the Empire on 11/06/14

Airs at: Thu, 11/06/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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Tom Engelhardt on "Shadow Government"

Airs at: Thu, 10/02/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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Host Per Fagereng speaks with Tom Engelhardt, who created and runs the website, a project of The Nation Institute where he is a Fellow. They discuss his new book Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower... Read more

Journalist Robert Parry on Ukraine

Airs at: Thu, 09/18/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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Host Per Fagereng speaks with journalist Robert Parry about Ukraine. Per asks, "If Scotland can vote on independence, why can't Ukraine?" Parry has been asking why has so much of the Washington Establishment devoted so much time this past year to pounding their chests over ... Read more

A History of the Future

Airs at: Thu, 08/21/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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A History of the Future is the third novel in James Kunstler's A World Made By Hand series. Like the others it takes place in a small town in upstate New York, a town that largely escaped the collapse of America as a nation. James Kunstler will be the guest Thursday, August... Read more

Fight the Empire on 08/07/14

Airs at: Thu, 08/07/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
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Sarah Levy on Gaza genocide

Airs at: Fri, 07/18/2014 at 12:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Sarah Levy, of Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights and the International Socialist Organization, speaks out against the Israeli assault on Gaza and reads a stunning poem by Nisha Adarkar. Read more

Zaher Wahab on the wretched state of Afghanistan and the resilience of the common people

Airs at: Thu, 07/17/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
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Host Per Fagereng speaks Dr, Zaher Wahab, Professor Emeritus, Lewis and Clark College. Since his retirement in 2012, Dr, Wahab has been working full time in Kabul, Afghanistan. While he is in Portland for a short break he'll give us his view of his native Afghanistan includ... Read more

The Gulf Cartel and the Price of America's Drug War in Mexico.

Airs at: Thu, 07/03/2014 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
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Host Per Fagereng speaks with  Michael Deibert, about his new book, In the Shadow of Saint Death: The Gulf Cartel and the Price of America's Drug War in Mexico. The book looks at decades of failed policy through the prism of the rise of one particularly violent drug traffic... Read more