Old Mole Variety Hour for July 28, 2008


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Air date: 
Sun, 07/27/2008 - 5:00pm

Viable options for saving the planet and making life better; a novel about mending family ties; The New Yorker's Obama cartoon cover;  and the history of victims' rights -- all these are discussed by the Old Moles on this show hosted by Tom Becker, who plays some of Billy Bragg's versions of Woody Guthrie songs.  Hear the whole show by clicking the arrow above.  Hear individual segments by following their links below:

1.  Bill Resnick interviews Guy Dauncy about real possibilties for saving us from global warming and making a better world in the process.

2.  Larry Bowlden reviews The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg.

3.  Racism or Satire: the New Yorker cover.

4.  Victims' Rights: a conversation with Mike Snedeker and Jan Haaken.

Audio by Topic: