Cheetahs in Crisis: In Conversation with Dr. Laurie Marker, Cheetah Expert and Cheetah Conservation Fund Founder



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Air date: 
Thu, 10/24/2019 - 6:00pm


The wildlife of our planet is more threatened than ever, especially when it comes to top-tier predators such as wolves and big cats.

Cheetahs, however, are racing towards extinction almost faster than they can run because in addition to habitat loss; they are victims of illegal wildlife trafficking for ultra-rich buyers.

The desire to own cheetahs as pets—status symbols kept in confinement and on leashes—is fueling a trade that is often deadly for these cats and could hasten their disappearance.

KBOO’s Michele Coppola spoke with Dr. Laurie Marker, renowned cheetah expert and founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund.

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