Presswatch on 06/15/17


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Air date: 
Thu, 06/15/2017 - 9:00am to 9:30am
News You're Not Supposed to Know

 I'm going to have another go at what I sometimes think of as Captain Obvious and Her Cavalcade of Critiques. The thinking that's driving me wild (this week) is the unbelievable, unacceptable, unreal, irresponsible, irredeemable Murican idea that the homelessness, powerlessness, mounting fascism and general malaise we're experiencing... is just a passing phase.

It isn't. It's a political victory of the parasite class. The billionaires have won; they have convinced us to beat ourselves up every morning, and praise them for the opportunity. They have put one of their own into the Oval office, just so we can worship him for his gold-plated degeneracy.

Amid soaring and proven wind and solar technology, we back out of the (inadequate, weak) world climate accords. Though we outnumber the billionaires a thousand to one, we let our own grandmothers die of sepsis from their infected toothaches, in ragged tents on the sidewalk!

And then to add injury to insult, we allow our masters to take the fruit of our labor, and our sons and daughters too, just to attack innocent persons thousands of miles away, for the sake of sadistic cruelty and mindless greed.

This is not time for reform; we've had our entire lifetimes to try to reform capitalism. It is time to gather our forces and agree on a new society. We can do it; we have amazing technological communication powers; we should begin to form the frame for a new society, based on human rights, and on well-informed, unintimidated participation.

To even start on that we have to remember what our rights are: to have sustenance, safety, shelter, health and peace, and to be free to act on our needs and desires wherever those actions harm none.

Our choice is to fight for that better world, or to fret away our years with nothing but bleakness and climate disaster and poverty on the horizon.

It should offend you that you have no effective voice against this Jim Crow incarceration state, that you must fear for your life each time you see the supremacist-linked police force on the streets. It should infuriate you that the Trump Administration has answered the call for climate remediation with sneering lies. You should be incensed that half the US population lives paycheck-to-paycheck, and that nearly a million live without housing at all.

The watered-down, corrupt elections in this country should have you smoldering with fury.

The imperial wars killing whole families in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and the Phillipines should have you screaming for justice. The US troops in the longest war in US history should be arresting their commanders and flying back home to confront the monsters who set them to murder for profits.

There is a use for anger--it focuses the mind, and this is the time to build up our fury to a searing, white-hot, unquenchable fire.

Revolution! Revolution now!

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