Physicians for Social Responsiblity (PSR) was founded in 1961 when a group of Boston physicians analyzed the medical consequences of nuclear bombs. Local physicians and scientists started Oregon PSR 20 years later to advocate against nuclear weapons and urge cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Under the umbrella of promoting public health, PSR’s scope includes fostering peace, and addressing nuclear and other environmental challenges including climate change. Sean Tenney Associate Director at Oregon PSR will discuss the very real threats we face in regard to nuclear weapons, and PSR’s efforts to rein them in, including two upcoming Portland events: a memorial, Aug 9 for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and a week-long art and informational exhibit starting July 31. Chuck Johnson, Oregon/Washington PSR Joint Nuclear Power Task Force Director will highlight efforts to close the aging Columbia Generating Station, the only nuclear power plant still operating in the Pacific Northwest. Maxine Fookson will talk about efforts to help Mustafa Abed, a 13 year old Iraqi boy who received aid from Portlanders in 2008, three years after he was nearly killed by American bombing in Fallujah.
(Photo attribution: By Cookkiemonster123 (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)