Co-host Jacqueline Keeler, with guests Andulia Sanchez
WhiteElk and Melissa Wagoner
Help Team Indigenous get to the Roller Derby World Cup by cheering for
roller derby played under a decolonized rule set. Come support or just buy a
ticket as a donation. There will be a raf...
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Why is North America colder than the Arctic? What can we expect as the Arctic
continues to lose sea-ice and snow? Are we in a “climate emergency”? Can
we do anything to stabilize climate? We'll explore these questions and more
with Paul Beckwith, Climate System Scientist...
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Probably most people in the KBOO radio signal area are familiar with
Breitenbush Hot Springs--the gorgeous retreat/conference center with
world-class hot springs located in the lush Ancient Forest of the Breitenbush
River watershed, east of Salem. What many people may no...
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Guest Host Jacqueline Keeler, of Dine' (Navajo) and Yankton Dakota heritage
has written extensively about the Bears' Ears National Monument. She
contributed an essay to Red Rock Stories: Three Generations of Writers Speak
on Behalf of Utah’s Public Lands, a trade edit...
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Investigative reporter Greg Palast has been shining a light on voter
suppression for years. With Trump in office, we're likely to see the
Republicans pulling out all the stops to gerrymander, jury-rig
and manipulate the process to prevent the Democrats from taking back seat...
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McMinnville-based Deborah Schwartzkopff is a retired trauma nurse with
experience working in addictions with dual diagnosis clients. She has been an
activist against the practice of Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) since 2011,
after she herself underwent extensive sho...
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(No subject)