Today's guest, Emily Washines, MPA and scholar, is an enrolled Yakama Nation
tribal member with Cree and Skokomish lineage. Her blog, Native Friends,
focuses on history and culture. On the Board of Columbia Riverkeeper, she
has been Board President since 2022. Building ...
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The 12th Annual Jim Pepper Native Arts Festival will be this Saturday, July
27 at the Columbia Park Annex from 12 to 5 p.m. Later that evening will be a
Tribute to John Trudell at the Alberta Abbey, featuring Quiltman, long-time
singer with Trudell, and Mark Shark, guita...
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Host Paul Roland welcomes back Cascadian climate activist and writer Patrick
Mazza for a deep dive into our present predicament. Back in the day, when
they were younger and somewhat more optimistic about our prospects of
fighting power and environmental devastation, Patr...
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Noor Ghazi, an Iraqi-American peace activist based in the United States, will
appear on a livestream presentation on Tuesday, June 25. Ms. Ghazi will speak
about the history of US involvement in Iraq, including the effects of
sanctions and the 1991 "Gulf War," the 200...
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The federal Indian Citizenship Act passed in 1924. It granted US citizenship
rights to all Native Americans. However, this did not guarantee the vote.
States retained the authority to decide who could and could not vote. In
1926, Zitkála-Šá and her husband founded the...
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