A recent Poll by the Daily Kos helps Conservatives paint themselves as Buffoons


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Air date: 
Tue, 02/16/2010 - 12:00am

 Hosted by Abe Proctor

Reality, it seems, has a liberal bias. Abe looks at the results of a remarkable poll, and digs into the head of modern conservatives.

A recent poll from Research 2000, commissioned by the Daily Kos, revealed some extraordinary insights into the conservative mind, which were nonetheless completely unsurprising to anyone who's been paying attention for the last, say, 50 years. The survey of 2000 self-identified Republicans tells us that 68 percent either favor impeaching Barack Obama or aren't sure. 63 percent think he's a socialist. More than half either believe that he was born outside the U.S. or aren't sure.

What is this? What makes empirical reality so unpalatable for so many Americans? More to the point, what's the impact of their unreality on the political process? With Joe on vacation, Abe tackles the walking contradiction that is modern conservatism.



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This is like taking a poll commissioned by Newsmax and claiming that poll has validity. You are so wrong on this, Abe. Don't forget just what a hate-monger Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is. Four contract workers in Fallujah were murdered in March 2004. Their bodies were mutilated and burned and dragged through the streets. Moulitsas' response: "I feel nothing for these mercenaries...Screw them."Conservatives are not racists, they are not crackpots, and they are not theocrats. That is a fact. To say otherwise simply points out the intolerance and the holier-than-thou attitude of the radical left. And that's why the radical left will never hold power. Reality has no bias.

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