

Thank you to all of our listeners who donated cloths,coats etc to the Pine Ridge Rez kids!!!!!!!!!!

We at "Tillicum Wawa" program would like to heartily thank all of our listeners who donated all the coats, warm cloths and shoes to the children k-12 grades on  the Pine Ridge Rez.. Donations are still coming in and we will see that they are all sent. A load of shoes went o... Read more

Report from Portlander in Gaza

Airs at: Tue, 11/20/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News
U-S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Israel today to talk with Israeli leaders about the Gaza offensive. Although Hamas leaders have announced that they are on the brink of a ceasefire deal with Israel, Israeli officials have denied that claim. Meanwhile in Gaza, Is... Read more

Rethinking Thanksgiving

Airs at: Mon, 11/19/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Alan Wieder comments on how Thanksgiving is a noble lie that Americans tell themselves about the colonization of the continent by Europeans. Read more

Update from the Gaza Strip

Airs at: Fri, 11/16/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Radiozine
 Rami Almeghari is a journalist and father of two children living in al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza.  He spoke with KBOO Friday morning, November 16th about the latest in the Israeli assault on the coastal strip. Read more

Gourd Art show by Toni Goldenberg Eugene Oregon 11-10 and 11-11-12

Hi everyone!   On November 10th and 11th, Saturday and Sunday, I am hosting an open studio. There will be refreshments, my newest Gourd art ,jewelery and sign ups for gourd classes.Come and relax and perhaps find a gourd piece you love. Looking forward to seeing you here.  T... Read more

Tribute to John Talley

I met John T in 1982 when I first moved to Portland after a devorce. I sat down to listen to the radio and on came John's show "Indian World". I was so thrilled to hear some traditional Native music, I got up and danced and then later I called him to tell him how grateful I... Read more

Tribute to John Talley

I met John T in 1982 when I first moved to Portland after a devorce. I sat down to listen to the radio and on came John's show "Indian World". I was so thrilled to hear some traditional Native music, I got up and danced and then later I called him to tell him how grateful I... Read more

Gaurd artist Toni Goldengerg-guest on 10/19/12 Listen on "archived shows"" of Tillicum Wawa

Toni Goldberg's Gourd Scenes On October 19, 2012, Tillicum Wawa interviewed Penny Painter about the East Portland Neighborhood Economic Development Summit and encoraging Natives to attent. We also had gourd scene artist, Toni Goldenberg ( and... Read more

Tillicum Wawa show is promoting a drive for winter coats and boots for children K-12.

KBOO's own Tillicum Wawa show is promoting a drive for winter coats and boots for girls and boys age K-12. These children live on the snowy Pine Rdige  Reservation. They have been trying to get people to stop selling alcohol near their reservation and it has been fruitless ... Read more

Columbus Day..How about a Hitler or Gadafi Day?

Denver always has a demonstration counter to the Columbus Day parade... I'm all for celebrating diversity, but how about NOT celebrating Columbus?! Read more