


Old Mole Variety Hour, June 18, 2007

This show includes interviews on immigration and labor, prisons and Paris Hilton; a short story about the immigrant experience, a review of a novel by Mary Gaitskill, and a commentary about the future of atheism. Read more

06/20 Immigration protest outside city council meeting

The aftermath of last week’s massive immigration raid has led to a polarization in the Portland community. On the one hand, there has been an outpouring of support for the immigrant community from churches, organizations and individuals. But on the other hand, the raid als... Read more

ICE Raid Resources

Friday June 22  from 6pm to 9pm there will be a community event James John Elementary School located at 7439 N.  Charleston Avenue, in the St. John’s area of Portland.  Many of the students at this elementary school had parents working at the Del Monte plant.  This event wi... Read more

06/18 Activists hold vigil for arrested Del Monte workers outside detention center

Activists supporting workers arrested in last week’s ICE raids at St. John’s Del Monte fruit packing plant held a vigil this Saturday near Tacoma, Washington. KBOO’s Yvette Maranowski has more. Read more

06/15 DelMonte Immigrant Raid Update

As the Portland activist community begins to shape its response to Tuesday’s massive immigration raid at the Del Monte fruit packing plant in North Portland, activists in New Bedford, Massachusetts have offered a hand of support. That community was devastated by a massive i... Read more

06/14 One year anniversary of Oaxaca uprising

Today marked the one-year anniversary of the popular uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico, in which at least fifteen people have been killed by state police and paramilitaries. Read more

APA Compass

APA Compass is a collectively produced public affairs program.  Our mission is to provide a forum for dialogue, exploration, and dissemination of issues pertinent to Asian Pacific American (APA) communities; to unite, politicize and empower APAs; to raise awareness of socia... Read more

Circle A Radio

Circle A covers local, national and international issues, focusing on the voices of communities who, for political reasons, are not allowed a voice in the mainstream media. For more information email us, or continue to the Audio Tab to listen to our past shows.   The Cir... Read more

Buscando America

  Every Tuesday from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM.     Somos un programa radial en español, que se transmite por KBOO Community Radio en las frecuencias 90.7 FM Portland, 104.3 FM Corvallis y 91.9 FM Hood River.  Este es un espacio de comunicación que sirve a las comunidades mig... Read more

The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show

  Every Tuesday from 8:00am to 9:00am. Retired October 2020   Call-in talk radio covering politics, history, and the state of the zeitgeist, with a liberal dose of listener comments.   Read more