Join guest host Linda Olson-Osterlund and Andy Worthington , journalist, film
maker and author of The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees
in America's Illegal Prison . Worthington is in the U.S. to join others
protesting the 17th Anniversary on January 11t...
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Recordando el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana y al poeta cubano mexicano
Iván Portela Bonachea mejor conocido "el poeta de las dos islas" en alusión
a Cuba e Irlanda. Jorge Rodríguez pastor de la Iglesia Metodista de Las
Naciones habla de la delegación de Interfaith Movemen...
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Adam Carpinelli interviews civil rights attorney Larry Hildes about
Indigenous Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier. Discussion will focus on
supporting Leonard's legal defense as well as the event that occurred on Jan
20th in Portland, OR.
Jan 20th event to help with l...
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Elizabeth Goitein, Co-Director of the Liberty and National Security Program
at the Brennan Center for Justice (NYU School of Law), recently wrote an
article for The Atlantic, "What the President Could Do If He Declares a State
of Emergency." It lays out in grim detail...
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In some ways Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered twice. First by an
assassin’s bullet in Memphis and then by killing his revolutionary message.
Today, King is largely remembered with special holiday sales. His vision of
radical revolution muted. He posed a special t...
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This week on Century, we listen to a presentation by Stefan Kertesz, MD, from
the UAB School of Medicine, at a workshop entitled Pain and Symptom
Management for People with Serious Illness in the Context of the Opioid
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El EZLN cumplió 25 años de levantamiento armado y en su acto de
conmemoración mandaron una advertencia respecto a la construcción de mega
proyectos al gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. En esta emisión
recordamos también la guerra de El Salvador en la década de los a...
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At 9am hosts Lisa Loving and Suzanne LaGrande have an update with the
Portland Parents Union. The PPU has been organizing their base over the past
few months with activism trainings and workshops in support of school kids
facing racial profiling and push out in the classroo...
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Laurie Mercier speaks to James Phillips about what the mainstream corporate
media has been missing in its narrative about Central America by examining
the U.S. role behind protests in Nicaragua and migrants fleeing Honduras.
Phillips recently retired as Affiliate Professor ...
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