Asawin Suebsaeng reports on how both new and traditional media misidentified
a missing Brown University student, Sunil Tripathi, as the Boston marathon
bombing suspect. Read the Mother Jones article.Interviewed and produced by
Andrew Yeh.
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Joe Clement hosts this Old Mole and hear:Bill Resnick talks with Peter
Bratsis about human nature caught between self-interest and democracyIven
Hale reflects on the origins and legacy of political slogan "the personal is
political."Joe talks with Jeff Shantz about Especifi...
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We feature a tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Afifa Ahmed Shafi, a
founding member of our collective, who passed away July 29, 2013. Produced
by Liz Rogers, and content from Afifa Ahmed Shafi and Sarika Mehta.
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Hosted by Frann Michel, this episode of the Old Mole Variety Hour features
Bill Resnick interviewing Chris Toensing about the ouster of the Morsi
government in Egypt; Joe Clement talking with Adam and Daisy about starting a
workers' cooperative pub in Portland; Larry Bowld...
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Denise Morris talks with Yasmin Nair about the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act and its limits. They discuss changes in the current version of the law
and its assumptions about the innate nature of sexual identity and the kinds
of trans* presentation it would protect. Nair...
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Tom Becker reads Dave Lindorf's His 'Crime' is Patriotism, not Betrayal:
Like Hale's Philip Nolan, Snowden has Become a 'Man Without a Country'. It
describes how Edward Snowden was drawn in by War on Terror propaganda, how he
awakened to the propaganda and hacked into NSA c...
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The Portland Campaign to End the New Jim Crow called for a RALLY, SPEAKOUT &
MARCH on Sunday, July 14, 4pm at Peninsula Park (N. Ainsworth & Albina).
Justice for Trayvon! End Racist Killings! No Justice, No Peace! End the New
Jim Crow!Delphine Criscenzo was on location.Pho...
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Professor Linda Tamura, author of "Nisei Soldiers Break Their Silence: Coming
Home to Hood River" explains the national notoriety which Hood River, Oregon
received after WWII, and how and why she broke the code of silence
surrounding the situation. Tamura's related exhibit...
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Clayton Morgareidge hosts this edition of the Old Mole dealing with several
aspects of freedom and self-determination -- from the extreme unfreedom of
solitary confinement in maximum security prisons to wage slavery and mass
unemployment. To hear this program in its entire...
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Last weekend was full of Fourth of July celebrations, and in this set of
commentaries, the Old Mole's Well-read Reds provide perspective on the state
of freedom and democracy now and in the nation's past. The three are:Joe
Clement reads from Cory Robins post about the dimi...
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