


Axis of Hope

Airs at: Mon, 03/30/2020 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
  Johanna Brenner interviews Catherine Sameh about her recently published book, Axis of Hope: Iranian women’s Rights Activism Across Borders. Catherine Sameh is assistant professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of California, Irvine. Both Catherine and ... Read more

Covid-19 and Climate Change

Airs at: Mon, 03/30/2020 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Sarah Summerhill, Old Mole intern from Washington State University Vancouver, reflects on the intersectionality between the coronavirus pandemic and the climate change emergency. As the increasing need for social distancing uproots life and society as we know it, we ask our... Read more

Believe Me: How Trusting Women Can Change The World

Airs at: Fri, 05/15/2020 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Radiozine
What would happen if we didn't just believe women, but acted as though they matter? On this episode of Radiozine,  Suzanne LaGrande interivews writer Jaclyn Friedman, co-author of Believe Me: How Trusting Women Can Change The World. In the interview Jaclyn discusses how wom... Read more

Westside QRC project in Washington County

Airs at: Wed, 04/01/2020 at 9:00am - 9:30am
Our guests this week are Shannon Walton-Clark, Board Chair of the Westside QRC and Beach Pace, Board Member and Washington County activist. Rob discusses plans to bring a version of Portland’s Q Center to Washington County.   "We know what it feels like. We know how horri... Read more

A Comedian and an Activist Walk into a Bar...

Airs at: Fri, 04/10/2020 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Radiozine
On Radiozine, Suzanne LaGrande interviews Caty Borum Chattoo and Lauren Feldman, authors of A Comedian and An Activist Walk into a Bar: The Serious Role of Comedy in Social Justice. More than ever, comedy is a powerful source of influence and social critique. In this inter... Read more

Prisons, Jails, and Pandemic

Airs at: Wed, 04/01/2020 at 12:00am - 12:30am
Produced for Century Of Lies
This week on Century of Lies: Prisons, jails, and pandemic. In this time of pandemic, correctional institutions are like Petri dishes in which the novel coronavirus COVID-19 grows and spreads. Public health experts and criminal justice advocates around the nation are demand... Read more

Ricky Ruiz Interview

Produced for Between Us
Ricky Ruiz is a democratic candidate for Oregon House District 50.  He talked with Don Merrill about why the plight of Dreamers is one of his highest priorities, how the city of Gresham, despite a strong streak of racism among some of its citizens, is moving forward to deal... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for March 30, 2020

Airs at: Mon, 03/30/2020 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
  Denise Morris hosts this episode of the Old Mole which includes: Polluting the Ocean: Bill Resnick talks with Mariann Lloyd-Smith On ocean pollution, all the dangerous stuff that our out of control economic systems are pouring into our land, waters, and atmosphere. Dr. M... Read more

Christina Stephenson Interview

Produced for Between Us
Christina Stephenson is a democrat running for Oregon House District 33.  She talked with Don Merrill about her support for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, how she's frustrated with and determined to do something about the too-close connections between corpo... Read more

Squirrels Know on 03/27/20

Airs at: Fri, 03/27/2020 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Produced for Squirrels Know
Happy Quarantine people !! Just hold on, this whole thing is just starting. Just don't worry about a thing and stay positive. On this episode I have recycled some past content. Remember: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle! Read more