


Raed Jarrar

Raed Jarrar is an Arab-American architect, blogger, and political advocate based in the U.S. Capital Washington, DC. CD-1479 Read more

G-8 Show

Airs at: Thu, 06/07/2007 at 12:00pm
CD-1491 Read more

Antonia Juhasz & Wayne Madsen Interviews

Antonia Juhasz is an American oil and energy analyst, author, journalist and activist. She has authored three books: The Bush Agenda, The Tyranny of Oil, and Black Tide.  Wayne Madsen is an American author specializing in propaganda and international affairs who writes the... Read more

Dying for Water on 1/1/05

Airs at: Sat, 01/01/2005 at 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Dying for Water: Indians, Politics & Dead Fish in the Klamath River Basin. In the Fall of 2002, disease rages through the warm and shallow water of the once-mighty Klamath River. Within days, 68,000 adult Chinook Salm perished as they tried to return home to spawn. The stor... Read more

Marisa Handler

Marisa Handler is an activist, organizer, and journalist. As an activist with Code Orange, she was instrumental in Direct Action to Stop the War, helping to organize the shutdown of San Francisco on March 20th, 2003, following Bush's declaration of war on Iraq. CD-1494 Read more

Ann Fagan Ginger on 10/25/05

Airs at: Tue, 10/25/2005 at 12:00pm
Ann Fagan Ginger is an American lawyer, teacher, writer, and political activist. She is the founder and the Executive Director Emerita of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute in Berkeley, California. She talks about her book "Challenging Human Rights Violations Since 9/... Read more

CD-1504 title

Airs at: Tue, 04/15/2008 at 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Maude Barlow is a Canadian activist and author. She chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch and Ottawa-based Blue Planet Project. Maude co-founded the Council of Canadians and chaired its board for over three decades. CD-1504 Read more

CD-1509 title

Airs at: Mon, 10/23/2006 at 12:00pm
Derrick Jensen is an American author, ecophilosopher, radical environmentalist, and anti-civilization advocate. According to Democracy Now!, Jensen "has been called the poet-philosopher of the ecological movement." CD-1509 Read more

CD-1410 title

Airs at: Sat, 05/12/2007 at 12:00pm - 12:45pm
CD-1410 Read more