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A listing of local activist events in the Portland area, with a podcast updated on Fridays, and the page updated as needed (generally every day)
Thanks for your support. I'm unable to come back to this work, and I hope that someone else is or will be able to take this on. (And if you hear of someone who has, let me know & I'll update this page) - vj
In the meantime, you may want to check:
- pdxactivist.org (where you can add your own social justice events)
- Emilly Prado's excellent From Slacktivism to Activism
Know of other Portland activist resources? Let us know in the comments.
Local social justice events from all stripes and segments of the resistance for the coming week. A podcast/blog. Listings of many events. In print. In audio. That you can download. Fridays at 5pm, events listings updated compulsively.
The Episodes
are listed below. Each has the week's event listings and the podcast audio.
The Blog
A way of seeing what's coming up for the next month or so.
- February 2018 - kboo.fm/resist/feb2018
- January 2018 - kboo.fm/resist/jan2018
- December 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/dec
- November 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/nov
- October 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/oct
- September 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/sept
- August 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/august
- July 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/july
- June 2017 - kboo.fm/resist/june
BooTwo - second stream
Program status: