On April 7 Joseph Gallivan interviews Elizabeth Leach from two arm's lengths on the Quiet Show.
From the press release:
February 6 - May 2, 2020
Preview Reception: February 5, 2020, 6 - 8 pm
First Thursday Reception: February 6, 2020, 6 - 8 pm
March Reception: March 4, 2020, 6 - 8 pm
First Thursday Reception: March 5, 2020, 6 - 8 pm
The Quiet Show
A Group Exhibition
Mark Bradford
Judy Cooke
Russell Crotty
Richard Gruetter
Ann Hamilton
Jessie Henson
John Houck
Isaac Layman
Sol LeWitt
Emilio Lobato
Julia Mangold
Helen Mirra
Richard Misrach
Catherine Opie
Joseph Park
Gregg Renfrow
Edda Renouf
Robert Ryman
Kate Shepherd
Joan Waltemath
Elizabeth Leach Gallery is pleased to present The Quiet Show, featuring a selection of 20 process-oriented artists whose transcendent artworks evoke stillness and contemplation. The exhibition will be on view February 6 – May 2, 2020, with a First Thursday reception on February 6, from 6 - 8 pm.
The Quiet Show offers a respite for deeper engagement and reflection from our increasingly fast-paced, technological society. The exhibition highlights landscape, minimalism, abstraction and text-based artworks in paintings, drawings, etchings, lithographs and photographs.
Joseph Park’s new oil paintings of pastel-colored line accumulations form swirling circular patterns like visual expressions of transcendental meditation. Sol LeWitt’s Lines Not Long, Not Straight, Not Touching, 1971, revels in the creation of conceptual space and Edda Renouf’s etching series, Letters to Earth, 1991, highlights the intimate beauty of human mark making.
Helen Mirra’s gorgeously restrained textile weaving in linen titled Hay, 2016, reflects her contemplative practice inspired by the natural world. Photographic artworks by Richard Misrach and Catherine Opie also engage with nature, focusing on sky and water to translate the wonderment of quiet observation.