Super Secret Remote Broadcast from Super Secret Studio



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Air date: 
Fri, 03/22/2019 - 10:00pm to Sat, 03/23/2019 - 12:00am
Super Secret Remote Broadcast

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this important message. Listen here Friday March 22nd from 10pm to Midnight for a special remote broadcast from the Super Secret Studio located somewhere in Portland.  There will be some classified information revealed for the benefit of all as well as live music performances from the one and only mysterious Super Secret Band!  They are premiering the single “Oregonic Tonic” from their debut album “Headstash” and also there will be a special guest performance from flow-funk trio New Dew. We can’t say anything else at this time because it’s Super Secret! To find out more, you will have to tune in, turn on and drop out to Sean The Bus Driver’s show Friday March 22nd from 10pm to midnight right here on KBOO 90.7 FM...

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