Today's guest, climate activist Tim DeChristopher, will be travelling by Amtrak to Portland as he talks to KBOO by phone. We hope the connection holds!
DeChristopher will be in town for a talk Thursday evening and an all-day workshop Saturday, both at the First Unitarian Church on SW Main and 12th. His talk on Thursday is the 2016 Sewall Lecture and is titled "Wielding the Power of Vulnerabllity." The terrible uncertainties thrust upon us by growing climate instability challenge us to tap into a kind of power that honors our vulnerability.
As "Bidder 70," Tim disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands national Parks in Utah. His actions and subsequent 21-month imprisonment earned him a national and international media presence, which he has used as a platform to spread a sense of urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action. He helped organize the group Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City and, more recently, the Climate Disobedience Center.