La Ruleta on 08/12/11



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Air date: 
Fri, 08/12/2011 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
La Ruleta with guest Archie Patterson

This Friday we will have as guest Archie Patterson, founder of Eurock.
Important figure as international music distributor of underground, venturing music, as well as publisher and editor of Eurock magazine, and several other publications on Progressive Rock since the 1970's.
We will be having a pleasant conversation focused mainly on his role in the international distribution and promotion of Mexican Progressive Rock bands, starting from the late 1970's; as well as presenting music of the same genre of his collection and selection.


Este viernes tendremos como invitado a Archie patterson, fundador the Eurock.
Importante figura como distribuidor y promotor dentro de la musica subterranea alternativa internacional desde los 70's, asi como editor de varias publicaciones de Rock Progresivo.
Tendremos una charla amena enfocada principalmente en su papel y experiencias como promotor y distribuidor de Rock Progresivo Mexicano a nivel internacional, desde finales de los 70's, asi como presentando musica del mismo genero de su coleccion y seleccion personal.

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