We’re living through a time of almost constant stress and anxiety, with school shootings, the ravages of climate change, religious and ethnic intolerance, and, perhaps overshadowing all that, the upcoming election here in the U.S., just a month away, which presents an existential threat to our American democracy.
How can we stay somewhat calm and sane, and work towards solutions, rather than giving in to fear and despair?
We all need our own coping mechanisms, hopefully healthy and productive ones. Which is the goal of an upcoming workshop -- Centering in the Storm: Practical Skills to Avoid Burnout in These Challenging Time. The in-person workshop takes place this Saturday, October 5th from 11:30am to 5:30pm, at the New Renaissance Bookshop in Northwest Portland.
To learn more, our In Depth guests are the workshop hosts – Brett Hill, founder of the Mindful Coach Association, and Dr. Sonja Olson, author and founder of Heartstorming Wellness.