Just a few weeks ago on KBOO’s News In Depth, we interviewed filmmaker Sandra Luckow about her new documentary Vanishing: A Love Story. The film recounts the last six months in the life of Cai Emmons, Eugene-based author, screenwriter, and teacher. Cai was diagnosed in early 2021 with bulbar-onset ALS, a debilitating disease, which takes away the power of speech before affecting the rest of the body. Always a strong and independent woman, Cai made the decision to end her life two years later, through Oregon’s Death With Dignity program.
There currently is no cure for ALS, but there is some very promising research, and hope for future victims of the disease. Our In Depth guests today are helping to fund that research. Holly Miller, Development Director: Special Events and Corporate Relations, at ALS Northwest, and Elise Schumock, owner of Portland’s Rose City Book Pub, a participant in this month’s Ales for ALS campaign.