Emerging from violent censorship, Angela Davis' teaching and Nina Simone's song "To Be Young, Gifted, and Black" lead off our new effort at "Green Showbiz". These women's beliefs in Peace and Freedom and Beauty and Community and the Earth ...These are flight paths to Intersectional Compassion.
Dr. Davis emerges from censorship to inspire. The word Spirit is there within the word Inspire. Joel Kovel taught us that "inspire" is in fact "In" plus "spirit". When Angela David and Nina Simone inspire us, put spirit into us, contact our spirit that is already waiting there within us - we respond with practical love. We want to help. These great women did not necessarily have the help of traditions. For instance, the two flooded with their curiosity and from necessity into many. "issues and many people didn't know what to do with their universal embrace. The two held forth in the time before "intersectionality", and made that loving idea possible.