Joseph Gallivan talks to painter Emma Gerigscott


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Tue, 02/16/2021 - 11:30am to 12:00pm
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Joseph Gallivan talks to painter Emma Gerigscott about her February show of dog paintings at Froelick Gallery.

On Tuesday Feb. 16, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. Joseph Gallivan talks to painter Emma Gerigscott about her new show of dog paintings at Froelick Gallery. Gerigscott explains her relationship with issues of figure-ground, anthropomorphism in animals and what to paint during   quarantine  in a windowless basement.


Emma Gerigscott Emma Gerigscott Duck Duck Dog, 2021

I can’t remember what order these paintings came in this year. Which is strange to me, as more often than not I can associate time and emotion with a painting more vividly than my own photographs have served me. But the mundanity mixed with the utter insanity, (and the range from personal to internationally collective experiences), the vacillating between the two poles in some ways has facilitated a feeling of mania rather than a blur of neutrality. Often in my work, that background and foreground are merging and playing together such that in my own life I cannot sift through the important events against the boring ones. Which leads me to feeling like a nut. “Duck Duck Dog” is a nod to the looseness of everything via small bits of noticing and thinking. How could it not be about the news? How could it not be about what shirt I slept in? How are those things not intertwined? Bring me my news, in my home with my feet up on an ottoman, a cup of coffee in hand. The amount of empathy, of consciousness and tending and listening that we need now, it’s all so brave, so important, so necessary. So valid. It’s so scary too. It’s too much. Your feet are up on the ottoman; bring me my news.


Blog post

April 19, 2020

Hello supporters and bashful not-supporters (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE),

As we all spiral into the depths of being in our varied isolated states and come to terms with the fact, that indeed, there is no spiral and no destination to be found in our soul but a tiny version of a youthful you whining about a loose tooth or what-not, only to revert you back to the beginning of your presumed spiral in the darkest night that is the coronavirus pandemic...


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Joseph Gallivan has been a reporter since 1990. He has covered music for the London Independent, Technology for the New York Post, and arts and culture for the Portland Tribune, where he is currently the Business Reporter. He is the author of two novels, "Oi, Ref!" and "England All Over" which are available on


This show was recorded on at Froelick Gallery in Portland on Feb 10, 2021.


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