The Gap: Police Union Contract Negotiation and Spreading Love Ahead of Valentine's Day



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Air date: 
Fri, 02/12/2021 - 8:00am to 9:00am


On this episode of The Gap, Tammy and Althea talk about the Portland Police contract negotiation with two community organizers, Emory Mort and Caryn Shebowich. We learn about how this year's contract negotiation is different than year's previous and what changes community organizers are pushing for. See the Related Links for more info.

Then, we discuss Valentine's Day which is coming up this weekend, and hear from our listeners about how they are expressing love during coronavirus.

Note here: Althea's mom texted her to tell her that she does not, in fact like chocolate-covered cherries if they are the cherry cordials with the goo inside. Althea was thinking more along the lines of something like chocolate-covered strawberries, and would like to apologize to Harry if her answer at all led them astray.

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Engineered by Sonia Battrell



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Related links: 

Negotiation updates, including full PPA contract language:

The demands:

The petition:

Bend the Arc:

Podcast from Robert Evans and the podcast Behind The Bastards

“The Worst Police Union in History” part 1 of 2


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