Norm Diamond hosts today’s show, which includes the following segments:
Another World is Possible: On our regular segment, Another World Is Possible, Luisa Martinez and Norm Diamond discuss Che Guevara’s Socialism and Man In Cuba. As an essay Che wrote in the 1960s, does it have relevance for us today? It suggests that people would act differently, would hold different values, under true socialism than they do in our own society. What insights does Che have for how to make that transition? Are there ways we can participate in struggle now, for instance, that encourage those future possibilities?
Community Energy: Bill Resnick talks to Al Weinrub, the Coordinator of the California Alliance for Community Energy. The CACE’s ambitious goal is no less than demonstrating to this country and the world how to stop global warming by reconstructing the energy system, by building out networks of local public, democratically run projects that combine many small and neighborhood solar and wind installations with a few utility-scale sun and wind farms. Over 20 projects, some by cities and some by counties in California, have already taken over their electricity systems. This is all explained on the CACE website and in Al Weinrub’s books: Energy Democracy, Community Power: Decentralized Renewable Energy in California.
Big Strikes and the Sabotage of Labor: Joe Clement speaks with Marianne Garneau, an organizer with IWW New York and publisher of the online worker journal Organizing Work. They talk about the history and politics of labor organizing centered around control on the job, as well as the consequences of its marginalization within labor law and the wider labor movement. This is the first of a three part series.