Voices from the Edge on 04/08/10


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Air date: 
Thu, 04/08/2010 - 12:00am
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What does peace mean to you? Oregon youth respond
In world where we struggle with wars, injustice, violence in our communities and the threat of environmental devastation...what does peace mean to you. That was the question 186 students from around Oregon answered as part of the Greenfield Peace Writing Contest for Oregon High School Students. Sponsored by Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility. Entries, coming from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, reflect not just their deep concerns but the richness they bring to the struggle for peace and social justice.
This week, Jo Ann and Dave talk with contest winners Tenzing Atsentsang, a Tibetan refugee whose aspirations go beyond a free Tibet to peace for all people, and Salam Hassan, whose view of the world and his place in it changed during a year spent in Palestine. Atsentsang, Hassan and third-place winner Tessa Kueller will receive cash prizes at an awards ceremony on April 10 that features journalist and author Dahr Jamail. Tickets to the dinner are for sale at Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Join co-hosts Jo Ann Bowman and Dave Mazza every Thursday as they bring you guests and lively discussion of issues of importance to you. Every week, Voices from the Edge provides Oregonians with a place to talk about racial disparity, police accountability, gentrification, environmental justice, peace and other issues affecting your life.
Jo Ann Bowman is a former state legislator, former executive director of Oregon Action, and a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has reported and been involved in Portland's civil rights, peace, labor and environmental movements for over 17 years.

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