Mike Allred burst onto the independent comics scene in the 1990's with such deceptively bright and splashy titles as Madman, Atomics, and Red Rocket 7, bringing a combination of surrealism, depth psychology, and pop culture to the superhero and science-fiction genres.
Partnered with his wife, the Eisner-award-winning colorist Laura Allred, Mike has since become a sought-out artist for such mainstream comics as Jeff Parker's Batman 66 and Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
His latest project, co-written with Steve Horton and featuring colors by Laura Allred, is the graphic novel Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns, and Moonage Daydreams, which meshes biography, fantasy, and fashion to map out the serpentine career of rock music's most mercurial superstar.
Mike Allred sat down with S.W. Conser at KWVA radio studios in Eugene to muse about art, culture, dreams, philosophy, and rock and roll.