That is - the medicinal power of melodies and stories that defy definition, A narrow passage through a conjure moment to audience joy.
Inspired by the need to reduce dread, and increase positivity.
Listen, breath...then let go.
Guest interview: Mahad Mohamed Hassan is the Program Coordinator with the Community Based Mental Health Program at Lutheran Community Services Northwest. Mahad focuses on the social determinants of health, destigmatizing mental health, and Afrocentric approaches to wellness as community-driven collective healing. Mahad was born in Mogadishu, Somalia and spent his childhood in Northern Kenya. Additionally, over the past three years, Mahad has been involved with the development of the culturally-specific refugee and immigrant peer support curriculum and leads the LCSNW in facilitating their state-approved peer support training and promoting the work of culturally-specific peer support specialists in the refugee and immigrant communities. He has a degree in Political Science from The University of Oregon and did his graduate studies in Conflict Dispute Resolution program from the University Of Oregon School Of Law. Currently, Mahad is collaborating with CBO and other partners to bring together African and African American Youth."
Tune in.