Can You See the White? (Part 2)



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Air date: 
Fri, 03/23/2018 - 10:00am to 10:15am
Join me for Part 2 of my conversation with Faith Reidenbach, co-founder of Corvallis, OR SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice).

Faith is a white woman who reflects on personal and societal events that shaped her life’s journey to racial justice and equity awareness.  I asked Faith to be on the show because she and I have had many conversations about race that may be inspiring to listeners.  I admire the work and dedication she’s put into fighting racism by way of educating herself, political action, and bringing other white people into cconsciousness around matters of race and race relations in our communities.

In Part 2 of our conversation, Faith continues her story about how she as a white women became aware about race and race relations.  She discusses how she started reading about “whiteness” and how this taught her about “blackness”.  She also lists books that have helped her along this journey, and groups (primarily of white people), that have made it their goal to educate themselves about race and take action against racial injustice.

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