Water World


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Air date: 
Fri, 07/01/2016 - 9:00am to 10:00am
cuyahoga fire
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Update on CERCLA/Superfund Process for Portland Harbor

Recap of City Council Public Meeting on Superfund Site a Portland Harbor

More info: www.cleanupportlandharbor.org

Progress on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site has been slow and steady over the last 16 years. Kristin Yount unravels some of the corporate interests who want the public to look away from this important issue. What is behind the cognitive dissonance allowing the EPA and Responsible Parties to get always with spending 700 million dollars on a plan that barely scratches the surface of river remediation. Can little Beirut demand better from the likes of Arkema, Bayer, Cargill and Chevron and that is only the first three letters of the alphabet. Why are taxpayers, rate payers and smaller entities like the City of Portland scared to commit to a better plan when such big money is on the hook to pay?  Your calls will be welcome also in studio: Audubon Society’s Bob Sallinger also part of the Portland Harbor Community Coalition.

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