White Man Said Walk



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Air date: 
Wed, 05/18/2016 - 7:00pm to 8:45pm
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White Man Said Walk
Moments before the verdict
The disorderly conduct trial of Teressa Raiford


Democracy Here presents: White Man Said Walk: The disorderly conduct trial of Teressa Raiford


Portland Police arrested Ms Raiford on August 9, 2015 at an event marking one-year since the Ferguson Police death of Michael Brown. Her trial ran four days, ending April 21, 2016.

Is standing in the street disorderly conduct? Was Ms Raiford singled out because of her activism? Because of her skin color? Did the police falsify their reports? Lie on the witness stand?

We explore these questions with: a KBOO re-creation of the police testimony, Ms Teressa Raiford on the stand in her own defense, and legal perspectives from Kelly Simon of the ACLU.


This edition of DemocracyHere! was produced by Kyle Curtis and Joe Meyer

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