Radio Producer Maria Gilardin on Radio, Pacifica, KPFA and Free Speech



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Air date: 
Thu, 10/31/2013 - 9:00am to 10:00am
The history of Pacifica Radio

Per Fagereng hosts a special hour-long edition of Fight the Empire with a focus on the history of Pacifica Radio with particular attention to the struggles at KPFA in 1999 and other issues covered in the documentary "KPFA On the Air."

Per's guest is radio producer Maria Gilardin, host of TUC RADIO.

Maria Maria Gilardin learned radio in the KPFA news department in 1980 and was one of the founders of the women's department. She co-wrote the GATT Guide for the Earth Summit in Rio, was founding producer of the national weekly public-affairs show Making Contact, and is a member of the International Forum on Globalization.

Since 1993, Maria has written and produced radio on global trade and great ideas of local resistance to globalization.

Maria Gilardin has a history of broadcasting in Indian Country and helping LPFM off the ground. She saw that as one way of continuing the legacy of Pacifica and Lorenzo Milam that was energized by the battle for and over Pacifica.

(Presswatch host Theresa Mitchell is on vacation. She will return on November 14th.)
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Jim Thompson's picture

Great radio this morning. A smooth, fluid conversation about a history that should not be forgotten. You two make a great on-air couple :)<br />
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The discussion of the KPFA history reminds me so much of the history of KBOO this past year. I really liked her mention about broadcasting board meetings -- boring though they might be might energize community involvement. And she is doing all her work off the grid -- that&#39;s inspiring.<br />
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