i first saw this incredibly beautiful woman on youtube, speaking of health, inside and out, and connecting it with the womb. nubia sutton was her name, and instantly i felt compelled to connect with her. how often does one feel compelled to connect with someone they see on a video? i don't know the answer to that (besides energy); i know for me, it is very rare. i am completely fortunate that i did make that decision to make the steps to reach her. when we spoke, immediately we connected- not only due to our both growing up in brooklyn, new york; but also in our desire to seek truth through learning and sharing information and pro-activity.
in this conversation we speak on herbs and medicines, self-healing, food/diet, spirituality and religion, connection to the ancestors, hair, and more!
here are a few of her videos:
here is the story of how she came to connect with a raw food diet:
and here is sister nubia's site: