Hour 1: BLACK ENDS - Seattle WA self-described Gunk-Pop trio. Their latest release is their first full-length LP "Psychotic Spew".
Members: Nicolle Swims (Guitar & Vocals), Billie Paine (Drums). Ben Swanson (bass).
Hour 2: BRIDE RIOT - Amazing Jersey women with a classic punk sound with a metal vibe.
Members: Amanda (vocals), Alexsa (lead guitar), Dylan (guitar), Paige (Bass), Kim (Drums)
Hour 3: TROUSDALE - Twangy Pop/Folk music from three very gifted women, all students at USC Thornton School of Music.
Members: Quinn D’Andrea, Georgia Greene, and Lauren Jones.
Venus Vibes is a 3-hour long show that airs on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month (late Sunday night) at midnight. Tune in to KBOO 90.7FM in Portland to catch the show live, or listen to our recorded broadcasts online!