Positively Revolting 07-01-11 Freedom



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Air date: 
Fri, 07/01/2011 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Questions of independence, freedom, and liberty-- how do we mute our desires?

As we approach the 4th of July, Lyn and Ani question what freedom means. 

What does it mean to live free?

Do we see ourselves as independent? Is that even desirable, or is it a part of the problem: the myth of the rugged individual—feeding alienation and isolation? 

How do we recognize ways we’ve clipped our wings--- when is this actually a necessary thing?

How do we limit ourselves with our perceptions of what’s possible?   


*NOTE - about 3/4 into audio there is a small segment of irreparable 'clicks' due to encoding problems with original file.   Our apologies.


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