Rule of Law in the Balance



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Air date: 
Wed, 05/22/2024 - 12:00am to 12:30am
Marco Perduca, a former Italian senator and one of the founders of the organization Science For Democracy
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Nicolo Figa-Talamanca, Secretary General of the NGO No Peace Without Justice
David Borden, Executive Director, DRCNet Foundation and

This week on Century of Lies: Rule of Law in the Balance.

Since late during the Duterte presidency and continuing under President Ferdinand Marcos Junior, extrajudicial drug war killings in the Philippines have continued at the rate of about one per day. Arrest warrants in the International Criminal Court’s Philippines investigation are believed to be imminent yet the questions remain: will the perpetrators of these murders and other abuses in the Philippine so-called drug war be held accountable, and if not, what does that mean for the Philippines and for the world?

To find answers to these questions, the organization DRCNet/ held a side event entitled “After a Drug War: Rule of Law in the Balance” during the recent Thirty-Third Session of the UN’s Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. We hear from David Borden, Executive Director of DRCNet/; Marco Perduca, a former Italian senator and one of the founders of the organization Science For Democracy; Dr. Aurora Parong, a physician, human rights defender, and Co-Chair of the Philippine Coalition for the International Criminal Court; and Nicolo Figa-Talamanca, Secretary General of the NGO No Peace Without Justice.

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