Totality of Circumstances | February 28, 2023



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Air date: 
Tue, 02/28/2023 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A frontal view of Portland City Hall from SW 4th Ave.


Police Accountability Commission Co-Chairs Discuss Ongoing Creation of a New Oversight System in Portland

This month we spoke with Aje Amaechi, Tirsa Orellana and Christian Orellan-Bauer, the Co-Chairs of the Portland Police Accountability Commission (PAC)'s Powers and Duties Phase. This phase wrapped up in mid-February when the full commission approved proposal from three Subcommittees whose job it was to outline the specific responsibilities and abilities of a new oversigh agency and civilian board: Access to Information, Individual Officer Accountability and Structural Oversight (click on the links for each Subcommittee's proposals).

The PAC has moved onto it's Structure and Details phase, with new co-chairs, covering the actual form and makeup of the new agency and its civilian board as well as transparency practices and public reporting.

This interview was edited for time, and you can find the full version here.


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  • Time
    The Fall
    Weather Report 2
    Your Future Our Clutter
    MERLIN - Domino Recording Co

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