Host Karen James speaks with Bridget Budbill, Senior Operations and Policy Analyst with the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission. HB3229, passed by the Oregon legislature in 2021, directed the CJC to convene an advisory council to develop recommendations for minimum standards, policies and procedures for health care services to adults in custody in local correctional facilities. Bridget assembled and led the Jail Health Care Standards Advisory Council to develop recommendations which she submitted to the Oregon Legislature in September 2022. The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission was formed to improve the legitimacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of state and local criminal justice systems.
CJC https://www.oregon.gov/cjc/about/Pages/default.aspx
JHCSAC Report https://www.oregon.gov/cjc/CJC%20Document%20Library/2022%20HB%203229%20Jail%20Health%20Care%20Standards%20Report.pdf
HB3229 https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB3229/Enrolled