Old Mole Variety Hour July 5th 2021



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Air date: 
Mon, 07/05/2021 - 9:00am to 10:00am
News, Views and Interviews from a Socialist, Feminist, Anti-Racist Perspective


Denise Morris host this episode of the Old Mole and includes


  • Portland Committee on Community Based Policing. Bill Resnick talks to Elliott Young, co-chair of the Portland Committee on Community Based Policing (PCCEP). They Discuss the PCCEP Report to the City Council, Reimagining Community Safety: Portland Police Bureau Core Patrol Services. The Report recommends replacing the police as first responders in dealing with the homeless, mental health emergencies, intoxication and addiction and minor traffic violations. They would be replaced by people suited to and experienced in defusing tension and helping people in crisis. With the majority of patrol officer’s time and energy, arrests and use of weapons connected to these encounters, the recommendations, if implemented, would amount to a transformation of Portland’s police. While the police have been totally unyielding in opposing “defunding,” they appear ready to give way to social services as first responders in many of the areas addressed by PCCEP’s recommendations. The interview concludes discussing how the public can have influence as the Mayor and City Council make policy and financing decisions about PCCEP recommendations.
  • Bloody Thursday-July 5th is commemorated up and down the West Coast as Bloody Thursday, remembering the strikers killed in the 1934 Longshore strike. Norm Diamond takes us back to that July day and to the importance of that strike. 
  • Crime and Punishment-In their Left and the Law segment this month, Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker talk about the political landscape for crime and punishment in summer 2021 in the wake of the pandemic and police protests, including spikes nationally in homicides. They also take up Portland anti-police politics and current contract negotiations with the Portland Police Association, the police Union, around disciplinary actions. 


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