Advocates pushing for governments to answer the call to address the impending climate crisis have taken multiple strategies. It’s not just a matter of legislation, it’s also a matter of funding, and one group has their eye towards the State Treasurer. Oregon State Treasurer Tobias Read manages over $118 billion, and climate activists want Read to use his financial powers to push the state forward on addressing the climate crisis. He also decides where Public Employee Retirement System, or PERS, funds are invested. Those are the retirement funds for Oregon’s state workers, including firefighters and teachers.
350 PDX is a local environmental justice organization. On Wednesday, May 5th at 7 p.m., they’ve organized an online Q&A session with Treasurer Read. KBOO's Althea Billings spoke with Susan Palmiter, a co-lead of the Defund-Divest team at 350 PDX to learn more.
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