Spoken Arts



Charles "Chip" Davis Interview

Produced for Between Us
Charles "Chip" Davis is a democrat who is running for the Oregon House district 19 seat.  He talked with Don Merrill about how his district is ready for a democrat despite being held by republicans for more than a decade, what is lacking in the dialogue between liberals and... Read more

Margo Logan Interview

Produced for Between Us
Margo Logan is a republican who is running for Oregon 's 44th House district.  She talked with Don Merrill about why she has been a member of many other parties on both sides of the political spectrum, why she doesn't see much hard evidence for either a pandemic or climate ... Read more

Episode 7: Darrell Grant & Alexander Gedeon

Airs at: Thu, 04/23/2020 at 3:30pm
Produced for Anything But Ordinary
  When we recorded this episode of the Anything But Ordinary podcast with critically acclaimed composer and jazz pianist Darrell Grant and experimental opera director, songwriter, and performer Alexander Gedeon a few months ago, the world looked very different, and we were... Read more

Murders In The Rue Morgue read by Katherine Dunn

Airs at: Mon, 04/20/2020 at 11:00pm - Tue, 04/21/2020 at 12:00am
Produced for Gremlin Time
We will present two mysteries tonight. First the very first modern detective story, 1841's "The Murders In The Rue Morgue" by Edgar Allen Poe Tonight's version will be read to us in abridged form by Katherine Dunn. In our second half, an episode of the classic radio series ... Read more

39. Quiet Flows the Willamette

Airs at: Wed, 04/08/2015 at 10:45am - 12:45pm
    What if society had gone completely off the rails? What if Trump had succeded in becoming the Grand High Potentate of the USA? What if he had actually known the left-of-center community radio station, KBOO-FM in Portland, Oregon, had broadcast some critical comments a... Read more

Buscando America on 04/14/20

Airs at: Tue, 04/14/2020 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
En esta emisión escucharás unas conversación con la cantante Audry Funk desde NYC, epicentro de la pandemia de CIVID19.  En la Sesión  9  de Voces ke Luxan,  Karen Torrente habló con Pabla san Martin escritora y partera tradicional sobre la  situacion social que  se vive en... Read more

John Lively Interview

Produced for Between Us
John Lively is a democrat running for Oregon House District 15.  He talked with Don Merrill about how he has survived as a moderate in an atmosphere of rank partisanism, why he believes strongly in the healing power of holistic medicine and how he has special empathy for th... Read more

Alex Spenser Interview

Produced for Between Us
Alex Spenser is a democrat running for US House of Representatives District 2.  She talked with Don Merrill about how her former boss motivated her to take her place in the congressional race, how the rural - urban divide is a myth and why she believes the key to leadership... Read more

Stories For Shut Ins presents The Dog Who Bit People

Airs at: Mon, 04/13/2020 at 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Produced for The Monday Sampler
Back for April, and our first installent of Stories for Shut Ins. Today we present Katherine Dunn reading a classic story by James Thurber about a troublesome Airdale that his family once owned while he was growing up in Columbus, Ohio in the early years of the 20th Century... Read more

Miriam Cummins Interview

Produced for Between Us
Miriam Cummins is a democrat who is running for Oregon House District seat 15.  She talked with Don Merrill about why the issue of DACA is still important even though it's not being talked about a lot right now, why she thinks the voters of her district might be ready for a... Read more