Spoken Arts



Portland Jewish Hour 5/23/21

Airs at: Sun, 05/23/2021 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Portland Jewish Hour
Folks of every brand of religion believe that they espouse peace, but do not always live up to it.  Even atheists that 'only believe in science' have committed human atrocities and failed to get along.  When I look at my own religion, I see that the yearning for peace is st... Read more

Buscando America on 05/18/21

Airs at: Tue, 05/18/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
  ¿Y si estuvieras viviendo un tiempo prestado? En la emisión de esta tarde conoce el caso de Domitila Jarquin madre de siete hijos que espera una nueva oportunidad de vida con un trasplante de riñón. La CDC ha anunciado nuevos lineamientos sobre el uso de la mascarilla. ... Read more

Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee on 05/16/21

Airs at: Sun, 05/16/2021 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Produced for Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee
  We'll be exploring perspectives on  Nothing, Nada, Null, Zilch,  emptiness, absence, space,  gap, lack, erase,  holes, passage, khaos, blanks,  potential, growing,  and the self by posing   Our questions to the Void Read more

Radio Lost & Found for 5/13/21

Airs at: Thu, 05/13/2021 at 10:00pm - Fri, 05/14/2021 at 12:00am
Produced for Radio Lost and Found
My planned program didn't occur due to factors beyond my control so a previously aired episode of A Different Nature was inserted at the last moment. Read more

Buscando America on 05/11/21

Airs at: Tue, 05/11/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
Foto: Cultura Colectiva. En este programa recordamos a Bruno Avendaño, joven desaparecido un 10 de mayo de 2018 en Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, con un par de paisajes sonoros de la radialista mixteca Griselda Sánchez. También hablamos con Pedro Sosa, director de Immigrant Rights Pr... Read more

Buscando America on 05/04/21

Airs at: Tue, 05/04/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
Hoy en el programa seguimos las actividades del 1 de Mayo con Causa Oregon, La Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee y la Alianza por la Comida Justa y escuchamos los discursos de diferentes organizaciones estatales asi como los conciertos de Gabino Palomares, Los Altepee ... Read more

Portland Jewish Hour on 5/2/21

Airs at: Sun, 05/02/2021 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Portland Jewish Hour
          This show was uploaded on Wednesday evening, with a happy play list.  However, had we been allowed back into the studio again for live shows, I would have broadcast a show to reflect the tragedy at Mt Meron, this morning.  With that said, there are still things to... Read more

A Different Nature for 04/26/21 New Music, Spring Membership Drive Edition

Airs at: Mon, 04/26/2021 at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Produced for A Different Nature
This week's A Different Nature is presented by Rich L., bringing some new and newly reissued music, during this, our Spring Membership Drive. We'll hear some new Diamanda Galas, some reissued Mort Garson, a new album by soundscape artist and David Lynch collaborator Dean Hu... Read more

Radio Lost & Found for 04/22/21

Airs at: Thu, 04/22/2021 at 10:00pm - Fri, 04/23/2021 at 12:00am
Produced for Radio Lost and Found
A new live episode of Radio Lost & Found beamed from my home studio! Did I mention it's live? Hope you can join me! Read more

Buscando America on 04/20/21

Airs at: Tue, 04/20/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
En este programa escuchamos a Leah Muñoz conversando sobre Transfeminismo con las Hijas de su Maquilera Madre. Escuchamos la historia de Caro sobre su batalla contra la muerte y el cáncer. Blanca Villalobos nos lleva a re visitar nuestros sueños en un episodio más de Cenote... Read more