The Voyage of Discovery! All done on rivers, including the Columbia, where we
pick up our intrepid travelers, Bill, Meriwether, and Sacajawea here in our
audio alternative historical reality show.
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The latest in the never-ending series of Sylvester Stallone movies gets rough
treatment from the Dippityboo KBOO movie reviewers. Featuring the voices of
Jared Sousa and M. Watson Dodge.
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Sergeant Redpants of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrols the frozen
Yukon with her sled dog, Sparky, tracking down evildoers and varlets. She
also deals with problems like the inpenetrable accent of a fellow from
Quebec. Listen as she gets her man and saves the dam...
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The implications are simply astounding: a man, Sidney Keentreat, who can move
at the speed of light... and a villain who wants to do the same.
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Welcome to the special Halloween edition of The Holy Crowley Hour, the only
radio show that gives out full-sized candy bars at the door.
Our guests tonight are the audio theater team of Joe Medina and Jamie Lawson,
collectively known as Ollin Productions. Joe and Jamie are...
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KBOO volunteers interview somebody who walked into the station and told us he
was a philosopher. BTW, the last sound on this interview is not that of
Poontang, the KBOO canine mascot. It's Rolf Semprebon telling us his voice is
somewhere in this sketch.
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