Letter to Trump: 1/23/17



Published date: 
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 1:15am


Resident Trump:

So, it begins. Your first order of business, after a press “conference” to issue a false statement claiming that more people attended your inauguration than Barack Obama’s two inaugurations (patently and demonstrably false), is to provoke a new war in the Middle East.

Seriously?? This is your first priority – I mean, of course I am not surprised, you are just doing what your son-in-law Jared Kushner (who never should have been allowed a White House post – this is obvious and extreme nepotism) tells you to do.

But of all the things you could choose to go after on your first day in office, you decide that pissing off every single one of the world’s billion Muslims is the very first thing you want to do. By moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, you deny the Palestinians their right to the city. You deny a billion Muslims their right to access the third-holiest site in Islam. And you give that insane despot Netanyahu full rein to take over more and more Palestinian land with military force and displace even more Palestinians from their homes – exacerbating and increasing the largest refugee population on earth.

Good going man. Keep up the momentum and the Christian vs Muslim world war will be going full swing within a couple of months of your residency.