NEW in KBOO music library August 11, 2014



New in KBOO music library August 11, 2014
Blue Matches Starting Over Self Released Alt Rock
Classy Mongrel Love & Resistance Self Released Alt Rock
Latimer House Bird Cage Walk / Until Then Honk Alt Rock
Long Hallways Live From Dystopia Self Released Alt Rock
Mozart's Sister Being Asthmatic Kitty Alt Rock
Raveonettes, The Pe'ahi Beat Dies Alt Rock
Rosebuds, The Sand + Silence Western Vinyl Alt Rock
Summer Camp Beyond Clueless Moshi Moshi Alt Rock
Booker, Benjamin Benjamin Booker ATO Regular Rock
Castanets Decimation Blues Asthmatic Kitty Regular Rock
Crow Moses Horse Heaven Hills Self Released Regular Rock
Golden Country, The Lust And Larceny Self Released Regular Rock
Here Comes Everybody Play: Songs From Shakespeare Refrigerator Regular Rock
Johnson, Eric D. EDJ Easy Sound Regular Rock
Nile, T. Tingle & Sparkle Self Released Regular Rock
Prophet, Chuck Night Surfer Yep Roc Regular Rock
Amp Live Headphone Concerto Plug Research Electronica
Big Brother On Acid Big Brother On Acid Alrealon Electronica
Olekranon Aphelion Inam Electronica
Use, The What's The Use? Alrealon Electronica
V/A Hypderdub 10.2 Hyperdub Electronica
Abstract Art Form x Fresh Kils As The Crow Flies OlRoy Hip Hop
BPos Positive Beings One League Hip Hop
Kate, Katie Nation Self Released Hip Hop
Morrison, Toussaint Edo Self Released Hip Hop
Pounds, Derill Black Unicorn Denim Jacket Anti-Famous Hip Hop
Sadistik Ultraviolet Fake Four Hip Hop
Triune Gods Three Cornered World Granma Hip Hop
Douglas, Dave + Sclavis, Lee + Lee, Peggy + Van Der Schyff, Dylan Bow River Falls Premonition Jazz
Fjellestad, Hans + Kowald, Peter + Reason, Dana + Robinson, Jason Dual Resonance Circumvention Jazz
Gelb, Philip + Brown, Chris + Reason, Dana + Oliveros, Pauline + Raskin, Jon Between / Waves Sparkling Beatnik Jazz
Gelb, Philip + Robair, Gino + Masaoka, Miya + Reason, Dana + Levis, Shaking Ray Purple Wind Ryokan Jazz
Space Between, The (Gelb, Philip + Oliveros, Pauline + Reason, Dana) The Space Between With Joelle Léandre 482 Jazz
McPhee, Joe & Heward, John Voices: 10 Improvisations Mode Jazz
Reason, Dana + Valsamis, Peter Border Crossings Red Toucan Jazz
Campo Remixes And Rarezas Bizarro Latin Pop