Final tally for Haiti relief



KBOO members donate nearly $10,500 to Haitian relief efforts

During our February 18th special to fundraise for Haitian earthquake recovery efforts, KBOO listeners generously donated nearly $12,000 to support four organziations picked by KBOO.

Now that we've tallied all the actual payments, we're happy to report that we exceeded (by about $500) our goal of donating  $10,000 to these organizations.  We will very shortly mail checks for just over $2,600.00 each to these groups:

Konbit pou Aiti (Working together for Haiti) - Working together for Haiti is a Haitian-American not-for-profit organization focused on building sustainable livelihoods for the communities in southeast Haiti (Creole name is Konbit pou Aiti). 

Our Soil - a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti

Honor and Respect Foundation - The Honor and Respect Foundation was created to raise awareness and financial support for Haitian grassroots groups based in poor communities dedicated to achieving social justice, universal education, participatory democracy and economic self-sufficiency.

HACAOT -  advocates for and educates the Haitian community and all members of the Caribbean community on civil and human rights issues such as race, nationality, labor, immigration housing and finance.

Thanks very much for supporting these organizations!

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